Prayers of Rededication

The Dedication of Hall Green Community Centre.

In 1980 soon after the Hall Green Community Association moved in to the centre on Painthorpe lane. It was agreed that a dedication ceremony should take place. The local vicar then the Rev. J. Flack agreed to perform the ceremony. Local dignitaries including the Mayor were invited.
To mark the 25th anniversary of this event the present committee agreed that there should be a re-dedication ceremony. Canon Ian Gaskell was approached and he agreed to perform the ceremony a new dedication prayer was written and used on the day. Due to prior engagements the ceremony could not be performed on the exact anniversary date but took place on Saturday 2nd of April 2011.
Members old and new were invited to the event. It was good to see old but very familiar faces on the day. It was also a time to remember all those people who are no longer with us but played a huge part in the life of the lifetime of the centre.
The ceremony gave new inspiration and motivation to all those who attended.

Prayers of Rededication For the 
Hallgreen Community Centre.
On the 2nd of April 2011 by 

the Canon Ian Gaskell
Commemorating 30th Anniversary 
of the Centre

Lord God,
we thank you that you have given to your people a rich variety of gifts and this Centre to express and renew them.
We praise you this day for its presence in our community we ask now your blessing on this Centre,
praying for the work that will be done here and the care, support and education that will be offered in your name.


Living God, bless this Centre  which we rededicate this day.
May this be a place of fellowship and growth for your people, and a place where all may find
love, security and peace.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit